This consultancy aims to:
The Consultant will:
- Develop a draft framework for evidence-based identification and documentation of foundational approaches
- Identify, collect and organize the evidence sources to be considered for applying the framework to up to three foundational approaches related to Mercy Corps’ Peace and Good Governance Outcome
The Consultant will:
- Develop a draft framework for evidence-based identification and documentation of foundational approaches recommended for scaling (approximately 60% of the anticipated LOE).
- Conduct a literature review of relevant frameworks for evidence-based scaling of technical approaches for international development and humanitarian programming
- Lead between 10 and 20 consultations with internal Mercy Corps stakeholders and external experts to assess expectations, needs, and overall criteria for a “best fit” framework for scaling evidence-based approaches
- Synthesize findings from both the lit review and consultations into a report and slide deck
- Lead a remote briefing meeting to share report findings, and receive and incorporate feedback to inform a draft framework
- Develop a draft framework for scaling evidence-based approaches
- Present the draft framework to Mercy Corps
- Through a consultative process, define criteria for the evidence base that would be used to assess up to three foundational approaches under Mercy Corps’ Peace and Good Governance Outcome area. Then, identify and gather evidence sources and organize them in a coherent “source document inventory” to lay the foundation for future review (approximately 40% of the anticipated LOE).
- Participate in determining the final selection of one to three foundational approaches, working closely with a technical working group. The shortlist of approaches under consideration at this stage includes:
- Interest-based negotiation and mediation
- Community mobilization approach (“CATALYSE”)
- Social cohesion approach (“COALESCE”)
- Manage process for and finalize detailed definitions of inclusion/exclusion criteria for the evidence sources to be included for the selected Peace and Good Governance approaches
- Collect source documentation from both external and internal sites that meet the criteria.
- Develop a short, written summary or slide deck describing the quantity and type of evidence sources ultimately included in the inventory to assist Mercy Corps' subsequent decisions for how best to apply the Framework.
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